Despite having a one-season life span, annuals bring a splash of colour to any flowerbed or garden.
Our flowering annual selection is extensive.
We carry a wide variety of flowering annuals such as Alyssum, Impatiens, Salvia, Coleus, Gazania, sweet peas, evening scented stocks, Asters, Begonias, Petunias, Pansies, Marigolds, Snapdragons and Kuhlmann’s Famous Geraniums, and many more. While our annuals have been grown for prairie conditions, we recommend waiting to plant until the May Long Weekend for the best results.
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Spring bulbs can be started indoors (if it’s frosty) or outdoors when all dangers of cold and frost are gone.
These grow and bloom during summer months, but will need to be lifted and stored indoors over the winter. Our favourite varieties are Tuberous Begonias, Canna Lily, Calla Lily and Dahlias. We also have Gladiolas, Alternathera, Oxalis and many others.
Fall blubs are planted in September and October before the ground freezes. Attractive and elegant flowers will bloom in the spring. Our assortment includes Tulips, Muscari, Crocuses, Frittilaria and lilles.
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