Tree Nursery
Do you feel like your landscape is lacking?
Looking to become more sustainable with a fruit tree or bush? Kuhlmann’s works hard to provide the best in healthy, sturdy, long-lasting and zone-specific trees and shrubs for your yard or acreage. Whether you’re looking for a fantastic fruit tree, something for shade or a beautiful border, we’ve got what you need!
Trees & Shrubs
Only trees and shrubs that are for our Edmonton Zone 3
Fruit Trees
Apples, Plums, Cherries, Pears, and Apricots
Small Fruit Trees
Saskatoons, Hascap, Berries, Blueberries, Ninebark, Potentiall, Spirea, Weigela, and more!
Don't worry, we can help.
Our knowledgeable staff can suggest specific instructions and placement ideas to suit your particular needs concerning light, size, water requirements, fertilizing, pruning and growth habits.